Let’s stay alert together in traffic
Smooth traffic flow is achieved by considering others and following the rules. Improve your tram skills and review the traffic rules of Tram City to ensure smooth traffic.
Traffic rules of Tramway city
Tram traffic lights
The tram traffic light is a triangular signal with two red lights at the top and one yellow light at the bottom.
- The tram traffic lights work on a different principle than the traditional traffic lights. When there is no tram in the vicinity, the tram traffic light are off and the traffic follows familiar rules.
- Tram traffic lights are used to direct other traffic in order to ensure free passage for the tram.
- Tram traffic lights provide the tram with right of way also in a traffic circle.
- Special attention is needed at intersections. Road traffic must anticipate when driving at an intersection that it will be able to cross throughout the intersection during the green light.
Operating principle of tram traffic lights:
- A signal that displays a rapidly flashing yellow light tells road users to be extra cautious.
- When a solid yellow light goes on for 3-5 seconds, cars should stop if this can be done safely. The tram is approaching!
- One/two solid red lights go on, which means that cars must not enter an intersection because the tram is coming.
- After the tram has passed, the tram traffic light will flash yellow for a few seconds and then the lights will go off and traffic can continue according to the normal rules.

The tram at an uncontrolled intersection
The tram has right of way at an uncontrolled intersection, so drivers should get used to also looking to the left when arriving at an intersection.
Pedestrian crossings
- At pedestrian crossings, pavement markings (a zebra crossing) run across the road and track. Usually, there are also traffic lights at a pedestrian crossing
- The tram will yield to you at a pedestrian crossing
- Remember to always look both ways to make sure it’s safe to cross the track. The Tampere tram is a quiet mode of transport and it cannot stop suddenly.
- In Hämeenkatu, there are light-guided pedestrian crossings at Rautatienkatu, Pellavatehtaankatu, Näsilinnankatu, Aleksis Kiven katu and Hämeenpuisto. All pedestrian crossings in Pirkankatu are light-guided.
- In addition to pedestrian crossings, pedestrians have the option of crossing the street at designated crossovers.
Designated crossovers
- At designated crossover there are no pavement markings running across the road and track
- At designated crossovers, pedestrians must give way to trams, buses and other approaching vehicles
- Attention is always necessary, as a heavy tram cannot suddenly stop and swerve around pedestrians
- Check the markings (traffic signs and/or pavement markings) so you know when you are entering a pedestrian crossing!
- At roundabouts, motorists are guided by tram traffic lights. They give priority for the tram at the roundabout.
- Tram traffic light control is needed at roundabouts because the tramway has a right of way and it would be difficult for motorists to spot the tram coming from behind, for example.
- In situations where the tram is not coming, motorists should behave in the same way as at any roundabout.
Mixed traffic lanes
- Cars and the tram will be using the same lane in Insinöörinkatu and Tekunkatu.
- Buses, taxis and service traffic run on Hämeenkatu in the same lanes as the tram
• The speed limit on Hämeenkatu is 20 km/h - If there are parking places on the edge of the lane, be careful when you park to ensure that the tram can get by.
Public transport corridor
- A public transport corridor is a place where only buses, trams and taxis can drive.
- Driving for service purposes and driving into yards is only permitted when indicated by an additional panel.
- Public transport corridors have transfer stop areas where passengers can transfer from a tram to bus and vice versa.
- Special attention should be focused on Insinöörinkatu: there is a public transport corridor between Orivedenkatu and Opiskelijankatu and at the site of the Duo Shopping Centre. Taxis are permitted to drive to this public transport corridor – other traffic not
- It’s a good idea to get used to driving into the shopping centre parking hall and parking lot via Hervannan valtaväylä.
- Driving into yards is permitted on the public transport corridor section between Ahvenispolku and Teekkarinkatu, but driving through Insinöörinkatu to Lindforsinkatu is forbidden.
- Hämeenkatu is a walking-oriented public transportation street
Materials for schools and daycares
Tram news
Tram News explain elementary school students about the news events of the Tramway city in an inspiring and understandable way.
The video has been made in collaboration with Wiwi Lönn School, Class 5B.
R.A. Tikka and Ratikkabongari – At the tram stop
R.A. Tikka and Ratikkabongari – Crossing tracks
R.A. Tikka and Ratikkabongari – The ABC of Tram travel