Another chance to see Tampere Tramway’s Mock-up – Exhibition starting on May 8th at Rollikkahalli
Another chance to see Tampere Tramway’s Mock-up – Exhibition starting on May 8th at Rollikkahalli
Starting on 8 May, the full-scale model of a Tampere tram car, also known as “Mock-up”, will be on display to the public. This Mock-up exhibition is being held at the Rollikkahalli building in Pyynikki, and it will be open on Wednesdays and Thursdays every week. Schools and other groups can also make advance bookings to visit the exhibition on Tuesdays and Fridays.
The first Tampere Tramway Mock-up Exhibition was held from 21–26 February 2019 in the Sorsapuistosali space at Tampere Hall.
– We were positively surprised by the popularity of that event, because it attracted over 15,000 visitors over a six-day period. The majority of feedback from mock-up passengers was positive and during the event we heard a lot of enthusiastic comments about the mock-up and the display itself. However, not everyone had time to see the mock-up, so we wanted to provide a new opportunity in the form of a more permanent exhibition, says CEO Pekka Sirviö from Tampere Tramway Ltd.
The Mock-up Exhibition at Rollikkahalli will be open every Wednesday and Thursday from noon–7 pm. Larger groups of more than 15 people can also make a booking to visit the Mock-up on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 am–1 pm. Once the display has opened, you can make a group reservation on the Tampere Tramway website, and before that, you can book by sending an e-mail to
– The Mock-up was only on display for a short time in February, so we couldn’t accommodate larger groups. Now we particularly hope to see school and day-care groups – but of course other groups are also very welcome to visit the display. A visit to the Mock-up can easily be combined with a school trip, so just contact us and make a booking, encourages Sirviö.
The Mock-up Exhibition is free of charge. The display provides an opportunity to find out what travelling on Tampere Tramway will be like and see the tramway details in practice. Visitors can also go into the cab if they want. The event provides basic information about the tramway routes as well. Rollikkahalli doesn’t have enough space for the bus line and project presentations and full-scale tram stop that were displayed in Tampere Hall, but it is open to Mock-up passengers every week and we can also actively respond to questions online.
– If we have enough interest, the display will remain open until the end of the year. By keeping the display open in the afternoon and evening, we want to ensure that as many people as possible can see the Mock-up. Other smaller events will also be organised with the Mock-up at other times. More information about these will be provided later, explains Project Manager Antti Haukka from the City of Tampere.
– It’s very important for us to obtain feedback from visitors even at this stage. The earlier Mock-up Exhibition was perfect for that purpose. We really appreciate all the feedback we receive, and that’s why we’re also opening an online feedback channel so people can send us comments and questions about the tramway. We promise to answer all these questions on the Tampere Tramway website, continues Haukka.

Additional information:
Pekka Sirviö
Tampere Tramway Ltd.
tel +358 (0)40 334 5798
Antti Haukka
Project Manager, Tramway Development Programme
City of Tampere
tel +358 (0)40 180 7096
Text: Sari Mäkelä, Tampere Tramway Ltd.
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