Tampere’s art tram car begins operating on 8 December

Tampere’s art tram car begins operating on 8 December. The art tram car will be covered in changing works of art for the next two and a half years. The works of art will change every six months and there are five of them altogether. Mari Hyde’s glow-in-the-dark creation – The Glow – will be the first artwork seen on the sides of the tram car.
One of Tampere’s 20 tram cars will become an art tram car. The changing works of art on the car were selected by public vote in September 2021. The general public had the opportunity to select five works of art for implementation on the sides of the art tram car. More than 17,000 votes were cast.
The public’s favourite was Mari Hyde’s The Glow, which will be seen on the first art tram car. The other works of art displayed on the art tram car will be Milla Vuorela’s 151 passengers, Juliana Hyrri’s Paradise tram, Teemu Raudaskoski’s Colour flow, and Tomi Ivalo’s Journey between the lakes. Each work will be on the sides of the art tram car for six months.

In September, Mari Hyde said that she took part in the art tram car design competition because the topic was interesting. The idea for The Glow is based on using reflective tape along the white lines of the illustrations. The background for the tape is dark while the characters are bright blue and turquoise line drawings. The focus is a reflective line that makes the characters come alive when lights hit them – producing a glow around the artwork.
I found the idea of using a reflective surface right at the start of the design work. Hopefully my art will reflect a glow all around and in people’s minds, says Mari Hyde.

The art tram car was made possible by the City of Tampere, Lumme Energia, OP Tampere and Vincit Oy, and Tampere Tramway Ltd is responsible for its operation.
Visit the website to experience tramway art content
In connection with the Tramway Art opening ceremony, the art section of the Tampere Tramway website was renewed with new interactive content related to the artwork. The website now includes a tramway art map showing people how to find the works of art along the tramway routes (only in Finnish). The art map will be supplemented with recorded descriptions of the art, quizzes, drawing tasks and new videos. This content will enrich the art experience and offer plenty of fun activities for people of all ages – for example, while travelling on the tramway. In addition to the website, the QR codes found near landmark works of art and at the art stops will provide more information about the art content starting on 10 December.
The art descriptions are read by well-known Pirkanmaa residents, such as hockey legend Timo Jutila and Finlandia Prize winner Anni Kytömäki.
More information
Project Manager Antti Haukka
City of Tampere, Tramway Development Programme
Tel. +358 (0)40 180 7096
Heini Orell
Coordinator Frei Zimmer Oy
Tel. +358 (0)44 971 5158
Tramway art in a nutshell
Tampere Tramway makes art an element of the transport experience. The aim of Tampere Tramway Art Programme is to create a high-quality entity that improves the pleasantness of the environment in the construction phase and during tramway operation. Until now, 81 artists have taken part in 41 art projects. The City of Tampere’s Tramway Development Programme is responsible for the Tramway Art entity. Implementation is being coordinated by Frei Zimmer Oy. Tampere Tramway Ltd will take responsibility for the whole entity at the beginning of 2022.
For more information: www.tampereenratikka.fi/ratikantaide/