Data privacy statement
Controller: Tampere Tramway Ltd
Business ID: 2802791-8
Contact information:
Tampere Tramway Ltd, Kauhakorvenkatu 2, 33720 Tampere
Telephone +358 (0)44 774 4677 (switchboard), firstname.lastname@tampereenraitiotie.fi
Name of the register
Feedback register for the Tampere Tramway website. -
Contact person for the register
Sari Mäkelä, Communications Manager
Why do we collect information and what do we use it for?
The register consists of people who send questions via the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page of the Tampere Tramway website. They have the opportunity to request a personal reply to their questions. Contact information is collected so that it is possible to reply directly to the persons who presented questions. It is not compulsory to provide contact information, and people can also submit questions anonymously. Personal data is not used for marketing purposes.
Data content of the register
The questions sent by users are saved, and they can be published on the FAQ page of the website. The questions published are presented anonymously. The personal data collected consists of the person’s name, e-mail address, and telephone number. Entering all of the above-mentioned data is voluntary.
Sources of information
The information provided by website users.
Who processes the data?
The controller, which means the personnel of Tampere Tramway Ltd, and relevant persons from the service provider have access to the register data. By means of contract arrangements made with the service providers, we guarantee that personal data is processed according to the valid data protection legislation and in an appropriate manner otherwise. In accordance with the regulations, personal data is not handed over to third parties. No data is transferred outside the EU or EEA.
Principles of register protection
A. Manual material
No manual processing.B. Data processed electronically
Information sent via the form arrives by e-mail, and the e-mails are deleted immediately after a reply has been provided. The management and administration assistant and office assistant have user rights to the e-mail account. -
Right of inspection
You are entitled to check the information contained in your personal data file maintained by Tampere Tramway Ltd. The request must be submitted in writing to Tampere Tramway Ltd (Kauhakorvenkatu 2, 33720 Tampere). The data will be handed over to you once you have verified your identity with an identity certificate recognised by the authorities.
Right to demand data correction
You have the right to demand correction of any errors in the information contained in your personal data file. The request must be submitted in writing to Tampere Tramway Ltd (Kauhakorvenkatu 2, 33720 Tampere).
Other rights related to personal data processing
Tampere Tramway Ltd does not use personal data for direct marketing, distance selling, or market and opinion surveys.