New survey: Tampere Tramway is very popular – nearly 90% of Tampere residents have a positive attitude towards the tramway
Tampere Tramway Ltd surveys the opinions and attitudes of Tampere residents regarding the tramway in a consumer study each year. The sixth survey revealed that 87% of people have a positive attitude towards the tramway. This number has increased by 6% since last autumn.

The popularity of the tramway continues to grow
The Tampere Tramway consumer survey has been performed annually since 2017, when construction began on the tramway. The survey is implemented by IROResearch Oy.
According to the first survey, 56% of respondents reported a very or somewhat positive attitude towards the tramway. The last consumer survey was performed in autumn 2021, and the corresponding figure was 81% at that time. According to the latest survey carried out in October, a total of 87% of respondents currently have a very or somewhat positive attitude towards Tampere Tramway. The number of people with a very positive attitude towards Tampere Tramway has increased by 5% in comparison to last year’s study – and they now account for 62% of respondents. Only 5% of respondents felt negative about the tramway, which is 3% less than one year ago. In 2017, they accounted for 23% of respondents.
– The tramway’s increasing passenger numbers and excellent results in a customer satisfaction survey suggested that the results of this survey would also be good. However, the results were still a positive surprise. We’re very happy that Tampere residents think that the tramway meets expectations and needs. City residents consider that the tramway makes it easier for themselves, their family members and friends to move around, says a delighted Pekka Sirviö, CEO of Tampere Tramway Ltd.
Most tramway trips are made from home to the city centre
According to the survey, nearly 90% of Tampere residents have already travelled on the tramway, while the corresponding number for last year was 75%. The 15–29 age group has been most active in terms of taking the tram. Travelling on a tram has further increased positive opinions regarding the tramway project. Nearly everyone who has used the tramway describes it as an easy and accessible mode of travel that meets expectations and is safe, spacious and comfortable. The process of purchasing a ticket is also perceived as quite easy. People over the age of 70 are more positive about accessibility than other age groups.
The tramway has also had a positive impact on the development of residential areas – respondents living in areas near the tramline are particularly likely to feel this way. Development has been more moderate than last year, but the number of people with a negative attitude has decreased over the past year.
– We’re pleased that people are so positive about the tramway and consider it a clear benefit to Tampere. The strongest impressions associated with the tramway are higher home values, environmental friendliness and an improvement in Tampere’s image, explains Sirviö.
At this time, 44% of Tampere residents take the tram at least once a week. This figure has increased by 8% in comparison to last year. The majority of tram use involves travelling from home to the city centre. Growth has been highest in short trips taking place in the city centre.
– The survey shows that travelling on a tram increases Tampere residents’ positive attitude towards the tramway. We consider it particularly important that Tampere residents want to participate in developing the tramway user experience. This interest has even increased in comparison to previous surveys. There are already ways to exert influence and more will be added for possible additional lines. We recommend that people actively follow the Tramway, Nysse and city channels regarding these matters, continues Sirviö.
Respondents hope to see tramway extensions
Another part of the Tampere Tramway consumer survey involves examining the wishes of city residents concerning the tramway. Prior to the start of traffic, requests for the tramway included a joint ticket for the bus and tram, completion of the project on schedule, accessible tram cars, and low emissions. Timetables and transfer connections were also considered important. Since traffic began, requests have focused more on regional continuation of the tramway.
– The open responses clearly emphasised the fact that Tampere residents want a more extensive tramline network. Respondents find the tramway to be a quick and easy mode of transport that has reduced traffic congestion. In particular, the tramway is considered to meet the need for commuting between different districts and between cities. Preparation work for the tramway’s regional expansion is currently in progress. Decisions on starting planning and construction will be made in the municipalities. If these decisions are favourable, we will ensure that future work will be handled in the same dedicated and professional manner, promises Sirviö.
About the consumer survey
The Tampere Tramway consumer survey was carried out by IROResearch Oy in October 2022, and it was commissioned by Tampere Tramway Ltd. The goal was to survey the opinions and attitudes of Tampere residents regarding the tramway. The results are utilised to develop Tampere Tramway development and in its communications and marketing.
The target group was Tampere residents aged 15-75. The sample size was 500 respondents and they were quota sampled for place of residence (tramway max. 800 m / rest of Tampere), gender and age group.
The data was collected by means of computer-aided telephone interviews on 6-16 October 2022 at IROResearch Oy’s own telephone interview centre. A sufficient sample of persons who belong to the target group was purchased from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency for data collection purposes. In order to target the register picking, the survey commissioner provided IRO with a “tramway max. 800 m” list of streets.
The first Tampere Tramway consumer survey was performed in 2017. The follow-up study is performed annually.
Further information:
Pekka Sirviö
Tampere Tramway Ltd
Tel. +358 (0)40 334 5798
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